The General Conditions of Sale below apply to the sale of services of guided tours. Any order placed to our company NORMANDY PANORAMA is worth acceptance without restriction of these Conditions which defeat all contrary clauses formulated in any way by the customer.
By ‘Tour’, it is understood to mean a visit including one or more places.
By ‘Customer’, it is understood to mean the natural person(s), or group of natural persons browsing the website, or benefiting from the services provided by the guide or the website.
The present general conditions of sale apply to the sale of all the services provided by
NORMANDY PANORAMA reserves the right to modify the present general conditions of sale at any time, provided that these modifications appear on the website
These general conditions of sale are accessible at any time on the website
The company NORMANDY PANORAMA can provide you a guide who speaks the languages proposed on the website and and realize one or several guided tours over several hours, one or several days depending on the tour chosen.
The customer can choose to use his own vehicle or the guide’s vehicle, with invoicing, to carry out the tours.
The customer consults the information relating to the tour concerned on our website and in these GTC: in particular the destination, itinerary, administrative formalities, activities, cancellation conditions, price and payment terms.
When ordering, the customer chooses, from the reservation form, the tour desired on an available date. He is then redirected to a page for entering his personal information, which must be duly completed and sent. The customer may also be invited to contact the guide by email or telephone to complete the booking.
The guide reserves the right to cancel or propose another date for the tour.
The rates indicated are fixed prices for the whole group.
The rates published on our website are indicative; they are confirmed by the guide as soon as contact is made and according to the customer’s request. They cannot be renewed and applied to subsequent services. The rates are stipulated all taxes included subject to any new taxes; if necessary we reserve the right to modify the prices by applying the rates in force on the day of the issue of the invoice, without the customer being able to object.
Except for circumstantial specificities, negotiated with our customer, no discount, rebate or discount will be applied.
The prices of the tours are likely to evolve to take into account the variation of the exchange rate between the Euro and the other currencies, which could intervene between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of payment of the services; being specified that the revision of the prices will be function of the variation of the exchange rate.
All travel is done, in principle, in the customer’s personal vehicle or in the guide’s vehicle.
We will not be held responsible in case of cancellation of the visit or the program due to strikes, closure of museums, monuments or sites scheduled not announced, blockades, fires, bad weather, natural disasters, strong disruption of public transport, health of the guide, default of obligations of third parties upstream or downstream of the service, abnormal behavior of the customer, force majeure or other events beyond our control.
In case of delay of the customer, the guide, if not informed, will be able to shorten the visit for the time of the delay according to his availability. In both cases, the full payment of the service will be due. It is strongly advised, in case of delay, to inform the guide.
In case of interruption of the tour due to the client, the full amount of the tour will remain due.
In all cases, no refund or compensation will be paid.
Our responsibility is limited to the establishment of your tour program, to the provision of useful information for this purpose, as well as to the provision of a guide and tourist accompaniment in the language proposed and chosen.
Any reservation other than the visit or the tour, such as accommodation, catering… is not part of our services.
We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to the customers participating in the service. NORMANDY PANORAMA will not be held responsible for any incident or accident related to transportation by a third party or by the customer himself, active or passive, any incident related to the catering or the Hotel, any third party who came into contact during our service.
The services marketed and listed on the site are in accordance with the French regulations in force.
The texts and photographs illustrating the presentation of the visits on the site are non-contractual and therefore do not engage the responsibility of NORMANDY PANORAMA in any capacity whatsoever.
6 good reasons to choose Normandy Panorama
book a tour for you and your familly only. I am a child friendly tour guide.
skip the lines
I have fast pass access to the different museums.
No stress
You only have to follow your guide.
A bilingual local guide
Save time and explore the off beaten tracks ! I know all the secrets of the region
an air conditionned 7 to 9 seater vehicule
This is your day ! I will set up the tour according to your time and your interest.